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 Sharp Container Circular
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Sharp Container Circular

سیفتی باکس دایره ای

Introduction and specification of Circular Sharp Container

Waste disposal is one of the most important challenges of infection control in order to maintain the health of hospital and health care workers. Injuries with sharp objects are one of the most common injuries that always threaten health care personnel, and so far many cases of health care personnel contracting diseases such as AIDS, hepatitis B, and hepatitis C have been reported as a result of these injuries. sharp container are safety containers that have been produced to deal with these risks and to facilitate and help in the safe disposal of waste that may be contaminated.

To collect and transport sharp waste, a safe and standard device is needed that can be placed inside it, without spilling out or leaking liquids inside it. sharp container should be designed in such a way that no harm is done to the user when disposing of waste into these containers or carrying them. They should also have the ability to autoclave, have a stylish and hygienic appearance, and have a body resistant to impact and vertical fall. On the surface of the container, there is a marking line with Filling Limit or the maximum capacity line. For safety, sharp container should never be filled more than this line.

The best way to store these dishes is to put them in a dry place, away from direct sunlight and at a temperature between 15 and 35 degrees Celsius.


How to use:

  • · After opening the carton lid, remove the desired number of sharp container (buckets) with the desired lid from inside the carton.

  • Pay attention to the number of sharp container, the lid is placed inside the carton, so take one lid for each one.

  • Every sharp container must have a handle. Put the lid on the bucket and put it in place with relatively firm pressure. Please note that the door should be pressed in two or three steps and it should fit around the door. Make sure the door is tight.

  • - The sharp container is ready to use. Always keep the cover in the work environment so that when the sharp container is full, after locking the revolving door, put the cover on it.

  • · How to lock the door: apply firm pressure in the direction of closing the movable door, when you are sure that the door does not return in the direction of the photo, the door is locked.

  • Note that the revolving door must be locked once, after locking it, do not insist on putting more pressure on it. You should put the cap on the door after it is locked.

Features of Knowledge base Baharzist Circular Sharp Container:


 Ease of opening and closing the revolving door.

 Security and strength of the big door when connected to the bucket.

 The strength of the part where the needle tip should be placed to separate from the syringe.

 Lack of space between the revolving door and the fixed door, in order not to leave contaminated waste from inside the sharp container

The presence of a cap that is placed on the top of the sharp container after it is filled is one of the exceptional cases that prevents any risk and incident due to the sharp container falling. This cap is very helpful and effective in carrying the sharp container. Is.


safety tips :

  • The sharp container should be used on a flat surface and standing.
  • The sharp container should not fall, if this happens, remove it immediately and make sure that no object comes out of it.
  • Each sharp container has a marking line for maximum capacity. When the items inside it reach this capacity line, the door should be locked and the lid should be placed on it.
  • As soon as you are sure that the sharp container is full and put the lid on it, transfer it to the hospital waste area.